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Sawdust briquettes charcoal

Charcoal briquettes

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Sawdust briquettes charcoal are solid fuel, with high thickness, low moisture and good calorific value. They are produced from various kinds of sawdust from hardwood (beech, hornbeam, oak) without binder or harmful chemical in the binding process, thus eliminating any unpleasant odours during burning. The unique shape of the sawdust briquettes charcoal, shaped bar with a center hole will allow a thorough charring process.

It has been a popular barbecue charcoal for the last few decades - indoor barbecue are done almost in all restaurants all over the world.

The quality of sawdust briquettes charcoal can be summarized as follows:

Smokeless - the product burns without any smoke or fume during the initial ignition and during the burning duration.

Low Ash Content - minimum residual of ash is allowed, nothing more than 5% of the original weight of the charcoal is acceptable.

Odorless - well charred charcoal will have minimum evaporative substances within the charcoal, thus eliminating the possibility of odor.

Longer burning hours - two times longer burning hours compared to the hardwood charcoal.

Higher calorific value - the minimum heating value of the charcoal should be 4200 Kcal/Kg or better.

Chemical/binder free - the charcoal is produced with untreated (chemically) timber waste and void of binder. The charcoal is specially recommended for barbecue purposes. There will be no unpleasant contamination of the food.

Sparkless - the charcoal will not produce sparks as their counterpart, the hardwood charcoal during burning. Any sparks during barbecue will pose a danger to the people who are participating in the barbecue function especially those who prefer indoor barbecue.

Application - grill cooking and barbecue, as solid fuel for heating in houses, cottages, hothouses, railway transport and industrial plants. It is also useful in production of carbon paper, tin or steal foundry, etc.


Dimensions: 80x(400-600) mm
Moisture: 7%
Calorific value: 4210-4480 Kcal/kg
Ash:- 5%
Packed in:
    two-layer paper bags of 3, 5 or 10 kg
    two-layer (polypropylene + polyethylene) bags of 20 kg
    big-bags at buyer's desire
Potential supply: 200-400 tons/monthly


tel: +38-067-926-61-23. tel/fax: 38 (0482) 24-08-65
Svaliava - Odessa (UKRAINE)

made by K.Fedosova, 2002
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